All posts in "Personal"

Countering False Doctrine

What I’ve discovered: Here I’ll share what I’ve discovered over the last few years that make me question the time-line we are on, biblically. All I ask is for you to be honest without bias and open to look at the facts. But, you don’t have to take anything I say as fact. I expect […]


Patriot Creed

We believe in the Patriot’s Fight.And that fight is the right of patriots all over the world. We believe God helps those in authority as we pray for them that are working for truth, justice, and the benefit of the people, to be guided and protected by heavenly hosts, given wisdom, knowledge, strategies, cunning and resources. […]


20 Necessities For Life and Happiness

Top 20 Basic Necessities For Life, Love, Happiness, and Success… Did I miss any? Divine Love: Brings order, faith, hope, joy, peace, communion, redemption, forgiveness, restoration, charity, and salvation… Health: Spiritual; Prayer, fasting, worship, fellowship, love, charity…, Mental; Engagement, challenges, social stimulation, love, community… Physical; Love, good food, water, rest, exercise, environment…, Security: Safety, shelter, […]


Doing the “government’s” dirty work

“EXTORTION: Doing the “government’s” dirty work, spelled out: IRS Form 941… Federal law requires you, as an employer, to withholdcertain taxes from your employees’ pay. Each time you paywages, you must withhold – or take out of your employees’pay – certain amounts for federal income tax, social security tax, and Medicare tax. You must also […]


Time and Eternity

While we’re in time, we have to make it count. There are no do overs. And all eternity is watching, literally watching. I’m not gonna be dogmatic about this but I think we can see ourselves in time when we are in eternity. I know this seems like a contradiction. Just consider it if you […]


End Game, Oligarchy

I’ve figured it out. And this will explain a lot. I have no doubt that the end game for the world, planned by the elite, is a totalitarian oligarchy over a global plantation. But what I didn’t quite understand is why the ethnic groups of European Christian heritage were the primary targets for destruction. Now, I […]


Proof, I’m Irish

Many people in America claim to be Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. But we Curren’s have proof. Here is a picture of my great, great granda’s headstone in a cemetery just east of Noble, Oklahoma. My dad and grandpa and uncles and aunts are buried there too. Share List


A Treatise on Progressivism

First of all, in America, progressivism and liberalism are much the same things. Alternatively, it is referred to, generally, as the “left.” I personally understand the right/left dichotomy as the complete loss of nation-state government control over the people on the extreme right, a.ka. anarchy, and on the extreme left, you have totalitarianism. So, the […]


More Than 1 Million to Lose Obamacare Plans as Insurers Quit

Was this the plan all along? A growing number of people in Obamacare are finding out their health insurance plans will disappear from the program next year, forcing them to find new coverage even as options shrink and prices rise. At least 1.4 million people in 32 states will lose the Obamacare plan they have […]